Sisters Series | 2017

Likewise, in the Nesting Series, Severijns has pulled paper out of its flat surface and transformed it into 3-dimensional objects. The paper head vessels she created in the Sisters Series can be read as a quest for a deeper and more profound exploration of the uprooted identity theme. Severijns used the faces of her three daughters as canvases for these paper head vessels.

Her daughters were raised in a bi-cultural environment which often led them to search for their cultural identity and to consciously define it. The Sisters Series focuses on the erasure of identity that is often a result of being uprooted. The paper head vessels give a fictional feeling and are free from any cultural values, associations, or symbols.

In close cooperation with photographer Sigal Kolton the portraits were framed to generate an effect of timeless quality. Nevertheless, as a viewer, you feel the remarkable presence of these three unique individuals that are bonded by sisterhood!


The Sisters Series was part of the group exhibition Not by the Dress Alone at the Museum on the Seam (a Socio-Political contemporary art museum), Jerusalem 2020/21. 


For inquiries please contact the artist. Image courtesy: Sigal Kolton

Paper art, paper vessel, Bianca Severijns, paper artist
Bianca Severijns, paper artist, paper art, paper vessel
Bianca Severijns, paper artwork, paper art, paper vessel

Sister Inay | 2017

Technique: hand-torn paper, acrylic, konjac

Measurements of head vessel: H 60cm x W 52cm

Sister Litay | 2017

Technique: hand-torn paper, acrylic, konjac

Measurements of head vessel: H 53cm x W 53cm

Sister Noe | 2017

Technique: hand-torn paper, acrylic, konjac

Measurements of head vessel: H 55cm xW 45cm

All images and text copyright by Bianca Severijns 2017