Paper art – Bianca Severijns – Displacement Series

Dear friends, blogging this time about my own paper art!

Over the past year my paper art has focused on abstracting the essences of Earth skins like: Leaves Gathering & Grasslands. I am especially intrigued by the cycle point at which there is total bareness, vulnerability, decay, and disintegration; the feeling of being transient in the world, of having only a temporary presence. As source of inspiration for my paper art I am photographing nature in states of total bareness and decay.

paper art, paper artist, Bianca Severijns, Earth Skins
Grasslands & Leaves Gathering form the Earth Skins Series

My recent works in the “Displacement” series I continue to explore stages of nature and intertwine them with the human conditions like being uprooted, nesting, enmeshment and revival.

Bianca Severijns, paper artist, paper art, paper
Nesting 2 – Displacement Series

As a Dutch-Israeli artist I have uprooted myself. Uprooting is painful. It makes people very vulnerable. But uprooting is also optimistic, an opportunity for growth. Whether used as a metaphor for emigration or to describe the botanical action – uprooting is a multi-layered cyclical sequence of destruction and regeneration which I seek to investigate, blend, and reflect in my art.

Bianca Severijns, paper art, paper artist, uprooted
Uprooted – Displacement Series

The artwork “Uprooted” I created in my beloved paper medium, using hand-torn pieces, multi layering techniques and weaving. My hand-tearing technique functions as a metaphor of being torn away from all ties and belongings. The color is monochromatic white for as white is free of any symbol, association or values – much the same as the uprooted feeling of no longer belonging to one’s native cultural and emotional soil. The layered texture and monochromatic color scheme aim to capture global, regional, local, familial and personal dimensions of uprooting on the one hand while on the other hand forming a unified holistic and humanistic theme.

Amazingly and quite artistically, the force of environmental-nature and of human-nature has the capacity to rise from this low point into a phase of renewal, bloom, and liberation.

For me as a natural follow up of uprooting is the stage of nesting. Sharing with you my latest artworks dealing with nesting while I continue to explore this intriguing theme in my paper art.

Bianca Severijns, paper art, paper artist, nesting
Nesting 1 – Displacement Series

Bianca Severijns inspiration photos of nature

Bianca Severijns inspiration photos of nature