Nesting Series | 2016
In 2016 Severijns started working on a “Nesting Series”, the logical continuation of rebuilding ones “nest” (home) after being uprooted or displaced. An abandoned bird nest inspired the artist to give life to paper nests woven into paper tapestry murals which resulted in two artworks Nesting 1 and Nesting 2.
The artwork “Uprooted” Severijns created in her beloved paper medium, using hand-torn pieces, multi layering techniques and weaving. Her hand-tearing technique functions as a metaphor of being torn away from all ties and belongings. The color is monochromatic white for as white is free of any symbol, association or values – much the same as the uprooted feeling of no longer belonging to one’s native cultural and emotional soil. The layered texture and monochromatic color scheme aim to capture global, regional, local, familial and personal dimensions of uprooting on the one hand while on the other hand forming a unified holistic and humanistic theme.
For inquiries please contact the artist.
Image courtesy: Sigal Kolton

Nesting 1 | 2016
Technique: hand-torn paper, acrylic, konjac
Measurements: H 84cm x W 40cm
Nesting 2 | 2016
Technique: hand-torn paper, acrylic, konjac
Measurements: H 88cm x W 50cm
Uprooted | 2016
Technique: hand-torn paper, acrylic, konjac
Measurements: H 88cm x W 51cm

All images and text copyright by Bianca Severijns 2016
All images and text copyright by Bianca Severijns 2016